I have a terrible confession. It’s really really horrible and so embarrassing. Here we go. I have been awful about getting thank you cards in the mail. So bad, I know! I used to be really great at writing thank you notes and as time went on and the busier I got I just started really stinking at it. I’m not proud. I am determined to get back on track though and am sharing some tips on writing thank you notes with your kids to help you get over the “what do I write?” hump.
Thank you notes are not hard but they definitely do take some time. I kind of have a basic outline that I follow that my mom taught me. Thank them for coming, mention something about the party, and state what they gave you and why you like it or how you intend on using it. If the gift was sent, thank them for thinking of you enough to send the gift, say thank you for the gift and why you like it or intend on using it, and end with something like, “hope to see you soon” or “I miss you.” I’ll give some examples for you to follow later in the post.
One thing you must do at a party is keep track of who gave what. My daughter turned four this year and after seeing the Cinderella movie insisted on having a Cinderella themed party. Here is the invitation I designed this year…
I usually create a thank you list to match but when I saw this pretty notepad on the Tiny Prints website I knew I had to order it. It looks like gold glitter has been painted along the top and bottom, I was able to personalize it with my daughter’s name, and it coordinated perfectly with the invitations. My mom was in charge of keeping track of the gifts as Megan opened them. Let me tell you, this is not an easy feat when you’ve got six little girls who want to help! After the party we added the presents that were either dropped off or shipped so we could keep everything straight.

Sheer Glitz Personalized Notepad
After finding the perfect notepad I then found the perfect note card! It was meant to be. I love how the inside border looks like gold foil. So fancy! Tiny Prints offers several different envelope options so when in doubt…go gold. The matching return address labels finish the look and made my little girl over the moon happy to see her own name on the envelope. As adults we are so used to seeing our names on things like countless emails and bills that we forget how exciting something so small and mundane can be to the little people in our lives.

Touch of Gold Blue Personalized Note Card
After I wrote the thank yous for her (with her input), I had my daughter write her own name on the notes so she could feel a part of it. She was so excited and couldn’t wait to get them in the envelopes and in the mailbox.

Touch of Gold Blue Personalized Note Card

Touch of Gold Blue Personalized Note Card
My friend Marie at Sweets Indeed sent these Cinderella inspired candy kabobs for Megan to share with her friends. We thought these would be a nice surprise for friends who will receive hand delivered thank yous. I had a slight obsession with these things…the sour belts are so good!
This is how they come packaged…ready to give to your guests! For quality control purposes I had to open one. Makes sense right?!
Even if kids are not old enough to write their own thank you notes it is so important to have them be a part of the process. We had a rule growing up that we weren’t allowed to play with the toy until the thank you note was written. I tell you what that worked like a charm! I’ve already informed the almost 13 year old that we have some new rules about thank you notes around here. He took it pretty well and said that was fair. Saying thank you is important but it’s really meaningful when you take the time to write a note and let the other person know how much it meant that they took the time to find something special for you, wrap it up, and present it or send it.
[tweetthis]Check out these tips on writing thank you notes with kids @tinyprints & @madebyaprincess[/tweetthis]Here are some examples you can use the next time you have thank you notes to write:
Dear ____,
Thank you for coming to my party! I had so much fun dancing with you and playing silly games. Thank you for the Tinker Bell DVD. My mom and I have already watched it a couple times together. I’ll see you at school!
Love, ____
Dear ____,
Thank you for thinking of me and sending the birthday gift. I really love the Minnie Mouse pajamas and slippers! I wear the nightgown every night. I am sorry you couldn’t come to my party but I hope to see you soon.
Love, _____
You don’t have to write a lot but you do need to write them. Like I said, I have not been great about this recently but I am getting back on track and using those good manners by mama taught me!
Struggling with what to write? Sound off below and I’ll help you out!
Thanks for checking out my Tips on Writing Thank You Notes with Your Kids!