I have not been this excited about dinner in a long time! We are big lemon lovers in our house and will find any excuse to use them. Every year I make a fresh batch of Limoncello so I’m always looking for creative ways to use the discarded lemons afterwards. Tonight I made Lemon Yoghurt Chicken using Mountain High Yoghurt, with coconut rice and grilled veggies and OH MY GOODNESS. You’re hungry now aren’t you?! Read on…
Sometimes it’s hard to get into cooking dinner with little ones in the house because they really just want pizza or macaroni and cheese. Yeah, that stuff is pretty tasty but it’s not great for you. For the most part we are pretty healthy eaters but we can always do better. I love using yoghurt as a butter or mayo substitute because it is so much better for us and yoghurt (to me at least) tastes way better than mayo. When you think yoghurt you probably think of it more as a breakfast food but there are so many uses for it. For instance, you can use Mountain High Yoghurt in things like muffins and cookies for an amazing, moist texture. I feel a cake recipe coming on now…
I am happy to report that this meal was so good that even my picky eaters told me they loved it. Can I get an, “AMEN!”? You mamas out there know what I’m talkin’ about!

Lemon Yogurt Chicken Skewers
- 1.5 - 2 lbs chicken breast strips or tenders
- 2 cups Mountain High Plain Yoghurt
- Zest of one lemon
- Fresh juice of 1.5 lemons
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp ground cumin
- 1/4 turmeric
- 1/8 tsp cayenne, more if you like it spicy
- 1/2 tsp garlic paste, fresh is great if you have it
- 1 tsp ginger paste, fresh is better but paste works well
- 2 dashes garlic powder
- 2 dashes onion powder
- 1/4 cup chopped green onions or shallots
- Rice:
- 2 cups Jasmine rice
- 2 cups water
- 1 cup coconut milk, for a creamier and enhanced coconut flavor you can use coconut cream instead
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp sugar
- If you are using whole chicken breasts cut into strips and set aside.
- Place all of the ingredients (everything but the chicken) in a gallon ziploc bag. You can use a bowl but the fewer the bowls and mess the better.
- Once you've got everything in the bag, seal it up and slowly and carefully massage the bag until well mixed.
- Add strips of chicken to your yogurt mixture in the bag, seal, and massage again until the chicken is well coated.
- Place in the refrigerator overnight to marinade.
- About 40 minutes before you plan to serve dinner prepare your skewers (don't forget to soak your skewers for at least 20 minutes before using them.)
- Place chicken skewers on the grill over low heat until both sides are browned and chicken is thoroughly cooked (about 7 minutes on each side.) My husband did the grilling for me tonight and he said he turned the skewers a few times so they wouldn't stick to the foil.
- Serve over coconut rice with a side of grilled vegetables.
- Rice: Prepare rice according to directions but fluff frequently so that rice does not burn on the bottom of the pot.
To find out more about Mountain High Yoghurt check out their communities on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.
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FUN FACT: Why Does Mountain High Yoghurt spell it “yogHurt”?
Yoghurt or Yogurt–both spellings can be found in the dictionary. “Yoghurt” is more similar to how the word is spelled in many European countries. Since it was first produced back in the 1970s, Mountain High Yoghurt has been made the Old World way (it slowly turns into yoghurt while sitting in the cup) so our founders spelled yoghurt with an “h.” Today we consider the “h” stands for healthy lifestyle or for the hundreds of ways you can use Mountain High Yoghurt to add nutrition to any recipe or meal!
I hope you enjoyed my Lemon Yoghurt Chicken using Mountain High Yoghurt!